
It's raw passion that makes SMASH a success.

Thomas Hamm is CEO, the evangelist at the helm, and after 20 years in the business, he still loves to drive personal success. He is an enthusiastic motivator, trained chef, and carries numerous certifications relative to fitness and nutrition. He is energetic, easy to work with, and fun to be around.

His path has been an amazing journey.

Thomas comes to the table with world-class expertise. He has studied, traveled, and worked with clients in beautiful cities around the globe: Napa Valley, Sydney, Charleston, Miami, San Fransisco, Vail, New York, Luzern and Zurich, Atlanta, Strasbourg, Santorini,  Athens, Rome, Milan, Florence, Venice, Oxford, Bath, Lake District-UK, London.

New frontiers are in the making.

Thomas launched iSTRONG in August of 2020. This new endeavor brings virtual wellness to a broader audience. He has aligned with the best trainers and like-minded wellness professionals to deliver optimal results.


NASM- Certified Personal Trainer

NASM - Sports Nutrition Specialist

Registered Yoga Teacher - 220 Hour RYT

Sports Nutrition Specialist

DCT- European Culinary Arts Degree- Luzern, Switzerland 

ONNIT- Foundations Course Certified- functional bodyweight movement,  battle ropes, kettlebells, mace, sandbags and clubs

B.S. Degree- Florida International  University- International Business 

Founder and Creator- Hustle and Flow Bodyweight Movement

Weight Loss Specialist 

TRX- Certified

Group Fitness Certified Trainer and Coach

Viking Ninja - White Belt Certification (Body Weight and Mace Training)

Kettle Bell Kings Course - Advanced Certification


“His calm energy is refreshing, yet he pushes me to do so much more than I thought possible.”
